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Daily Devotionals, Hymns & Psalms

Devotional readings from Dr J.R. Miller and C.H. Spurgeon, together with a selection of Hymns and Psalms.

books Daily Devotionals:

About the authors:

Faith's Chequebook and Morning & Evening  are daily devotionals written by Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892), the celebrated Baptist Preacher. Spurgeon was noted as one of the foremost speakers of his day, and his sermons at the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London often drew large crowds.

A full version of Morning & Evening is also available for download in PDF format (file size 2.1 Mb). This requires the free Adobe Reader. To download, right click and choose "Save Link As..." or "Save Target As...".

In Green Pastures  was written by Dr J.R. Miller (1840-1912), and has become a much loved devotional.

books Hymns:

A selection of Christian Hymns by writers including Charles Wesley and John Newton.

books Psalms:

Many of The Psalms were written by King David.

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